Survivor Philippines Celebrity Showdown has just got boring with the Magan tribe appearing in their third straight tribal council. Tribe leader Buhawi Meneses saw his torched snuffed out this night because frankly his tribe mates might as well fend for themselves. Buhawi was one the contestants that showed a lost of promised early on. I don't know what happened, but he suddenly lost steam following the boot of Doc Ferdz.
Buhawi was never felt by his tribe. So good riddance. Even his tribemates did not shed a single tear. So moving on.
Survivor producers must have been worried about losing viewership because judging by next week's episodes, Magan will be no more and the game once again becoming a battle between two tribes.
Good news for me because I will bail if the fuckery that is the current Survivor Philippines continues. A talent contest for the reward challenge? What is that?! Either GMA 7 is searching for their next big star in Survivor Philippines or the mosquitoes have eaten the last remaining brain cells of challenge producers, hence they can't think of a more survival-type challenge.
Please, I want to see Jon Hall's ass kicked - preferably by Moi but anybody will do. I'm not picky. Ian Batterson's discovery of Michelle Madrigal and Jon Hall's trickery regarding the gold coins is very promising. I hope the stupid moron follows through with his plan to go along with Moi, Ervic and whathisface?... Aaron!
And please enough with the visits by former Survivor contestants! Ano ito guesting ng mg talents ng GMA-7? I don't need to see Nanay Zita there, please. If I want to see her I will try to find her billboard for a laundry soap along Edsa or some highway.