Yes! Vlad, the alpha male (barf!) was the fourth castaway to be voted out on week 4 of Survivor Philippines Palau.
You so slick Vlad, that’s why your ass is out of the Airai tribe. You were as subtle as an elephant let out in a china shop.
When Airai lost the immunity challenge, I knew Vlad’s days in the island were numbered. As soon as the challenge was over he immediately went to Charles to plot against Charles. Talking with the enemy behind your back? Hindi obvious masyado.
Myka is like more convincing like. Vlad also had the stupidy to talk strategy/backstab with Charles with Myka right behind. Myka like found out like what you were up to, huh, Vlad? Like, sorry.
Alpha males when they lose are bitter. Vlad is no exception per his goodbye confessional. Charles was the target of his bitterness because it was Charles was supposed to be the one gone tonight. Sorry, Vlad you were more annoying, lazier and more of a douchebag than Charles.
Naman kasi, sumobra si Vlad. He and Troy couldn’t assert their alpha male-ness while there was Shaun and Cris. Immediately after the tribal swift, without Shaun running the old Airai, Vlad got too power hungry and started his obvious plotting and politicking.
My happiness over Vlad’s boot is tempered by the fact that he is off to Isla Purgatoryo to battle it out with original Isla Purgatoryo castaway Justine. But I hopes that Vlad is so out of it already that Justine can chalk up a win against Vlad. Also, Justine was a former man so medyo patas nila (chos!).
TRIBAL SWITCH: Because of a tribal shift, there original Airai and Koror are no more. The new Koror are Amanda, Jef, Echo, Marvin, Shaun and Suzuki. The new Airai are Myka, Cris, Tara, Troy, Charles, Louie and Vlad (voted out at last tribal council).
ISLA PURGATORY: Maya technically was the second castaway to have her torch snuffed. Justine won the physical challenge consisting of putting together the wheels of cart, climbing stations for puzzle pieces and completing the puzzle.
REWARD CHALLENGE: The swimming challenge was won Airai and they got fishballs for reward. Jef couldn’t complete the challenge, putting Koror one flag behind Koror. Marvin had a mental lapse and forgot to take two flags during the second round, putting Koror further behind Airai.
Koror won, thanks to asshole Vlad who wondered why Marvin was able to keep up with him – him being a swimmer in college or something. Troy remains lucky kasi hindi siya nalunod.
IMMUNITY CHALLENGE: Koror wins, getting immunity plus letters and photos from home.
Troy is a sitting duck without his pal Vlad. Louie, a douchebag on the downlow, is another target. If Airai losses immunity again next week, either Troy or Louie is out. Both are indispensable at this point because the four, Myka, the ring leader, Tara, Chris and Charles seemed to sticking together.
Next week challenge should be fun. It’s a challenge already in the US version, Survivor Palau.