March 25, 2009

Robert Pattinson Is Afraid of Soap... and Water

Let us pause for a moment from our regular Boyet Fajardo-bashing fest to discuss this smelly piece of gossip about Robert Pattinson, star of the blockbuster Twilight. Smelly, being the operative word. Apparently, our modern vampire-hero is averse to water, soap and shampoo, which explains why he stinks to high heavens.Some source at the location of the current movie he is shooting reported that "He stinks. I mean, it's awful. He never showers, and it drives people on the set crazy. He completely reeks."

Well, Robert Pattinson himself said in an interview done a while ago that he can go for weeks without washing his hair. According to him, "I have so much residue crap in my hair from years and years and years of not washing it and not having any sense of personal hygiene whatsoever."

So, this must be the reason why Robert Pattinson was heard telling a friend at the Rose Bar in New York, “I can’t get laid in NYC." Dude, maybe no girl can hold her breath long enough to have sex with you.

Stop! Is that the simultaneous wailing I am hearing from fangirls across the world upon learning that the leading man in their dreams and fantasies reek of B.O?

As for me, I am stumped. Completely stumped, I tell you. Because I thought all along that the concept of proper personal hygiene is universal. Nevertheless, aren't we glad the "smell functionality" has never been invented for televisions and movie screens?

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