October 15, 2012
Tito Sotto Flip Flops on Libel on Cybercrime Law
Tito Sotto filed a bill removing the libel provision in the Cybercrime Prevention Act, but later withdrew his filing after he heard that President Noynoy Aquino favours the provision.
Ano ba talaga? First plagiarizing the work of a blogger on women's health to argue his position against the RH Bill. And now he is "liking" what the president is "liking?"
October 5, 2012
Jinkee fucking Pacquiao is Running For Vice Governor
Just when I feel like the Philippines is going to be alright politically with Pnoy's "Daang Matuwid" here comes proof that we really are taking one step forward and three steps backward.
One of the first wannabees to show up at the Comelec to file their candidacy for the 2013 midterm elections is Jinkee Pacquiao, the wife of Pambansang Kamao Manny Pacquiao.
This was a complete surprise to me because I didn't know Jinkee Pacquiao has any other ambition beside re-engineering the face genetics gave her.
September 6, 2012
Why Is Tito Sotto in the Senate?
There is only one reason why Tito Sotto is a senator of the Philippine Republic: to give hope to stupid people harboring ideas of running for an elective post and winning.
In his latest contra en turno speech about his opposition to the RH Bill, Tito Sotto once again opened himself to cyber bashing by including in the last segment of his speech a tagalized version of Robert F Kennedy's Day of Affirmation speech. According to Tito Sotto that part of his speech came from a text from a friend. What a dumbass! First he forgets to make attributions to an article he copied from another writer. Now he forgets to do a little fact checking In this day of the Internet and Google, this type of carelessness shows you're either lazy or a moron.
Like a true trapo, Tito is rallying the masses to support his cause by igniting a class war, which we don't need at this point. He claims that under the RH Bill the poor does not have the right to go forth and multiply, only the rich. But let's be honest. If you are living hand to mouth, do you really need to have many kids? In my opinion, it should be illegal for the so-called poor to breed. That's not me being anti-poor; that's me just being practical. They can't breed until they worked and worked to better their lives. That's for their own good and for any child/children they may have in the future.
If these series of humiliation is a bunch of pies, Tito Sotto would be covered by pie all over his face by now. And if we are a people that embarrasses easily (especially politicians), Tito Sotto would have tendered his resignation pronto for showing the world that Filipinos elect stupid people to the senate.
Tito Sotto's daughter, Ciara Sotto, is on print and TV trying to clean up the pie on her father's face. Ciara Sotto is newly married and still doesn't have a kid. I'm curious to know what she and her husband are doing to remain childless. It would really be funny if Ciara's OB-GYNE info gets leaked and we find out she's into a method other than the natural ones. That's not another pie on Mr Sotto's face, that's a figurative giant boulder that would kill Mr Sotto's credibility once and for all.
In his latest contra en turno speech about his opposition to the RH Bill, Tito Sotto once again opened himself to cyber bashing by including in the last segment of his speech a tagalized version of Robert F Kennedy's Day of Affirmation speech. According to Tito Sotto that part of his speech came from a text from a friend. What a dumbass! First he forgets to make attributions to an article he copied from another writer. Now he forgets to do a little fact checking In this day of the Internet and Google, this type of carelessness shows you're either lazy or a moron.
Like a true trapo, Tito is rallying the masses to support his cause by igniting a class war, which we don't need at this point. He claims that under the RH Bill the poor does not have the right to go forth and multiply, only the rich. But let's be honest. If you are living hand to mouth, do you really need to have many kids? In my opinion, it should be illegal for the so-called poor to breed. That's not me being anti-poor; that's me just being practical. They can't breed until they worked and worked to better their lives. That's for their own good and for any child/children they may have in the future.
If these series of humiliation is a bunch of pies, Tito Sotto would be covered by pie all over his face by now. And if we are a people that embarrasses easily (especially politicians), Tito Sotto would have tendered his resignation pronto for showing the world that Filipinos elect stupid people to the senate.
Tito Sotto's daughter, Ciara Sotto, is on print and TV trying to clean up the pie on her father's face. Ciara Sotto is newly married and still doesn't have a kid. I'm curious to know what she and her husband are doing to remain childless. It would really be funny if Ciara's OB-GYNE info gets leaked and we find out she's into a method other than the natural ones. That's not another pie on Mr Sotto's face, that's a figurative giant boulder that would kill Mr Sotto's credibility once and for all.
June 2, 2012
The Never Ending Saga of the Tulfo vs Raymart, Claudine Brawl at NAIA 3
Aksyon on TV 5 showed the most recent video from the Thrilla in NAIA featuring celebrity couple Raymart Santiago and Claudine Barretto vs broadcast journalist Mon Tulfo.
While not exactly the first part of the brawl that the celebrity couple is asking people from the crime scene to produce, it's not exactly showing the celebrity couple and their group in a good light either.
According to Mon Tulfo on The Buzz, the scene was immediately after the main event of the brawl, so to speak.
I thought that if you've just come out of vacation, you'd be chill. Claudine's group just came from Boracay, but the man in the pink shirt is all over Mon Tulfo like Jason Ivler in a road rage. This man needs anger management or a stint in jail where he is very likely to think twice before getting mad at someone looked at him wrong.
I think it was not Claudine's kids' medicines, but Claudine's medicines that were inside the checked in luggage left behind. I get that it's normal to get angry when the airline messes with your pleasure time and to bitch at the unfortunate person on the customer service desk. But I don't get continuing to act like an asshole after you've said your piece to the desk person. Just think about it like this: the desk person will not suddenly grow wings and fly back to Kalibo to fetch your luggage. The desk person wishes she can magically make your luggage appear just to shut you up.
I don't know how Claudine makes her living acting in show business when she can't even fake-smile like a normal fucked up person in trying situations. Claudine is obviously off her rocker and should not be out of the house without her minders and her meds.
Raymart and Claudine have been into all sorts of scandals since they wed. Bank trouble, marital cheating, brawls, etc. You think the ghost of Rico Yan (RIP) is still haunting them? Just me?Okay.
May 23, 2012
Miriam Quimbao is Not the Gays' Favorite Person
The gays are in the news so much these days. Celebrities are busy spewing their "hate and intolerance" against the gays, and the gays are hard at work giving the hate back.
Miriam Quimbao, Ms Universe First Runner-up from a long time ago, got the ire of common and power gays alike by saying "homosexuality is not a sin, but a lie from the devil." I think Ms Quimbao should sit her ass down and think hard about what her religious fervor is doing to her already non-existent career.
Ever since Ms Quimbao and Paolo Bediones parted ways, career-wise, and ever since Ms Quimbao parted ways with her Italian husband, matrimony-wise, I have not heard Ms Quimbao do anything worthwhile for her career. Being the punching bag assistant of Eugene Domingo in Kimi Dora doesn't count.
Ms Quimbao can't shut her pie hole about homosexuality. Even if she kept being asked, can't she just agree to disagree being the good Christian that she professes to be? She should also realize by now she is not doing her showbiz career any favors by saying she and Manny's have the same God. My God! Ms Quimbao, you're bigotry is showing. Even I, a lapsed RC, knows that we all worship the same God, they just come in different names!
I'm fine with everyone having an opinion, but shoving down your religious beliefs down my throat is zealousness and self-righteousness to the highest degree. I wonder what this bitch will do if her first born turns out gay?
May 21, 2012
Election Year Is Here and Look Who's Grandstanding
It's Nicole all over again. Erick Bairnals Shcks, the Panamanian national accused of raping a Pinay, has spoken and he says what he and Pamela did was consensual sex.
Via a closed circuit television (CCTV) installed in the Panamanian's condo, the pair was seen holding hands while entering the condo's lobby and kissing inside the elevator. I like that Pamela seems to have so much faith in a man's ability to keep his pants' on. Oh, but honey, the world doesn't work that way.
The video casts doubts on Pamela's statement to the police and media. But then again, who really knows what happened that night? It's now a case of He said, She said. It's frustrating for all of us kibitzers, so where is the freakin' sex video so we can see for ourselves who is telling the truth?
All joking aside, where are Pamela's parents to teach her to behave the equivalent of "don't talk to strangers?" If you really must go out with a man you fancy to become your BF, then go to neutral places and make sure to be accompanied by chaperones. I know that is too old fashioned to some, but nothing is too old fashioned to protect yourself against abuse. That is what I think.
I am sure senators Tito Sotto and Loren Legarda feel for Pamela, but me thinks there is also an element of grandstanding on these lawmakers' action. The haste by which Sotto and Legarda jumped on the case leave me with a bad taste in my mouth. How come nobody bothered to get the story of the alleged rapist? So it's now coming out that what happened COULD have been a case of a sex deal gone bad.
We live in a different world know. Rape is not a crime that you automatically believe has been committed against a woman because you believe nobody will admit to that kind of abuse if it is not true. Today, rape can be used to exhort money or catapult yourself to stardom.
So what can we teach our young daughters about women like Pamela? We must teach them that "foreigners are not the answer to poverty."
May 19, 2012
WTF News: Anabelle Rama is Running for Congresswoman
I thought I will never be surprised by any news about moneyger Anabelle Rama, but I was wrong. Pimp momma Anabelle Rama has registered as a voter in Cebu, where she hopes to try her luck as congresswoman in 2013. There is no April's Fool in May, so the story is true as confirmed by Rama herself on her Twitter account.
Anabelle says nothing is set in stone yet, but I bet you she's already 99.9999% running. Anabelle is taking the plunge into politics because she received an offer from her politico relatives in the south. WTF? Offer like an offer to do a movie or commercial? And here I thought entering politics is a vocation, like a nun being called to serve God and people.
This here is why the Philippines is where it is at right now-- in the pits. We are full of "public servants" who I'm sure means well, but are clearly clueless. I've no doubt that Rama will make a grand entrance in her best Filipiniana at the State of the Nation address in 2013. She already fulfills the No 1 surefire requirement for winning: giving doleouts to the poor people of her province. I heard that just mention you're a Cebuano and Rama will ask "how much" before you can even utter your intention.
Couldn't Rama consider being a barangay kapitana first? Why congresswoman? She's a self-admitted matapang and walang inuurungan. I am sure she can use those traits when making her nightly ronda. Try as I might I can't imagine Rama authoring laws and participating in floor deliberations. I just can't.
May 17, 2012
Manny Pacquiao Can't Show His Face at the Grove
There is a second place in the entire universe where Manny Pacquiao is not welcome. The Grove, a mall in LA, has banned the boxer from showing his face in the premises for opposing gay marriage.
Manny has already stated that the Leviticus quotation that appeared in the National Conservative Examiner did not come from him, though he stands by his belief that the Bible does not condone same-sex marriage. The author has also corroborated Manny's statement, so that's that. If you read the Leviticus passage in question, you'd know Manny could not have possibly uttered it verbatim. With Manny's head having been pummelled through the years, how could his brain have that power?
Manny's brain power aside, I didn't know that you now run the risk of becoming an outcast for having an opinion. It may not have been politically correct of Manny to run his mouth, but the Grove management can be accused of being narrow-minded. It's not like Manny said he is ready to throw the first gay person he sees to the fire.
So what's the morale in all this? Don't let Manny talk unless it is about boxing. And don't let any local reporter come near Mommy Dayonesha to ask for her two cents. It is PR disaster in the making. Unless of course I'm there to run interference for Mommy Dionesia. :P
May 14, 2012
Derek Ramsay and Angelica Panganiban Call It Quits
Fans of celebrity couple Derek Ramsay and Angelica Panganiban have their mourning veils lowered and weeping over the death of their idols' relationship. Celebrity breakups are common, so I wasn't surprise. Angelica Panganiban is like a dog guarding her territory with Derek, so I was surprised she gave up. Oh, well at least she has that Mini Cooper to remember Derek Ramsay by.
According to Derek, no third party was involved in the breakup, certainly not because of John Lloyd Cruz who is shooting a movie with Angelica P. But those in the know say that Angelica finally has had it with Derek's womanizing ways and not even another Mini Cooper will sway her to ignore her bf's pecadillos.
Sam Pinto, FHM's Sexiest Woman in 2011 via ballot buying, is being linked to Derek's name having done a commercial shoot with him. Sam Pinto is, ah, frankly I don't have anything, bad or good, to say about her.
My guess is that if a third party is not involved with Derek and Angelica's breakup, then they broke up because Angelica P finally realized Derek is not going to make her dream of becoming a beautiful bride come true.
Rich or not, a girl can wait for just so long. Angelica P is still young and pretty, while Derek is starting to show his 35 years of existence on this earth. Gurl, took an axe off his age, but his face is not cooperating.
March 5, 2012
So Taylor Kitsch Never Went to the Philippines

Is geography really a hard subject? Indonesia is in Asia, so might as well call it Philippines, right Taylor Kitsch?
Taylor Kitsch went on the Late Show with David Lettermen to promote his surefire box-office bomb of a movie John Carter and relayed a story about how corruption touched his life in some godforsaken third world country when all he wanted to do was shoot some movie to entertain the world. Kitsch's story of hardship goes that customs officials of a country called the Philippines refused him entry and ask him for an iPhone.
Didn't the dumbass once glanced at his passport to see what country was stamped on it? If he bothered to look he would have seen Indonesia, not Philippines. That's right. Dumbass was never in our country. The Oliver Stone movie dumbass was shooting was in Indonesia.
I knew the second I heard of this story that there's not a speck of truth in it. Either someone is lying or being geographically challenged. Even if it's only Taylor Kitsch's left bicep that set foot in Philippine soil, we would have heard of it because the media would be all over it. I give you Bourne Legacy as an ehemplo. I got sick of hearing about Jeremy Renner and Rachel Weiss coming to the Philippines even before they made commuting here even more horrendous.
Okay, it's not like this kind of thing doesn't happen at our airports. However, it always suck when you're being accused of doing something when you're so far from the scene of the crime, so to speak. Also, how stupid is that? I can't fathom, really.
You know, this is a reason for me to stay away from John Carter when it shows here in the Philippines. And I was so looking forward to another IMAX experience. I predict that John Carter will go the way of Waterworld. Big budget, major bomb at the movie tills.
But of course, even if John Carter bombs, I don't believe this will be the end of Taylor Kitsch's movie career. Taylor Kitsch not being the brightest bulb in the box will not spell his doom. After all, beauty overcomes stupidity.
February 10, 2012
Survivor Philippines Celebrity Doubles Showdown: The Final Tribal Council

Here's what's running through my mind while each jury member makes their case of why they deserve to be in the top 3 and not the trio of Mara, Betong and Step.
John: Why still bitter when you were voted out third? By the time of the final tribal council, John should have realized what went wrong in this strategy: Paranoia. But kudos to him for pointing out to Betong they are playing Survivor Philippines Celebrity Doubles Showdown, not Survivor Philippines Charity.
KC: Got a right to still be bitter because his elimination was still fresh, but recognize that he was voted out because the girls, Mara and Step, was influenced by the jury. As for Betong, give him hell not your vote since Maey told him to vote you out from the jury box. Betong has no strategy from day one, and still has none until the FTC. It was low of KC to hurt Step by just telling her that her dog Taco Boy has gone to dog heaven. Would that news help him decide who should win Survivor?
February 3, 2012
Lito Lapid's Wife is a Money Launderer FAIL!

Well, the wife of Lito Lapid, Marissa, got herself arrested for trying to bring $50,000 in cash into the USA. You know and I know Marissa knows that Marissa tried to lie her way through the airport, but airport personnel are trained to smell liars a mile away.
So Marissa was arrested in November 2011, presented herself infront of a judge who allowed her bail. She's now sporting a new accessory, an ankle monitor, after she was arrested when she came back in January 2012.
This incident does not reflect well on Lito Lapid, who is set to make a television comeback via ABS-CBN. Oh, wait.. Lito Lapid is a Philippine senator and a long-standing member of the so-called committee on silence.
Lito Lapid's committee membership is also in peril because he has bee visible lately, speaking to the media about his wife's legal troubles and standing up to speak during the on-going impeachment trial of Chief Justice Renato Corona.
The pressure is now on Bong Revilla. I'm betting Bong Revilla will choose to keep his membership on the committee on silence. This is why I ca't get on the Bong Revilla train. He doesn't try. At least Jinggoy Estrada makes an effort, even if it is in the name of grandstanding.
Lito Lapid's wife Marissa has hired a topnotch lawyer to prove one of two things: the money was intended for health-care purposes or the money would be used to make home repairs. I'm sure most of us are asking, "Ano ba talaga?"
That topnotch lawyer must be charging by the hundreds by the hours. I bet Marissa is now wishing she had declared the money or pay that miniscule (by comparison) bank transaction fee.
January 24, 2012
Iza Calzado Leaves GMA for ABS-CBN

Iza Calzado has foreseen that she would soon be playing mother roles to Bea Binene and Barbie Forteza, so she has said goodbye to GMA before that happens.
Iza Calzado has signed a three-year contract with the Kapamilya network, the rival of her former studio GMA-7, the Kapuso network. Stars are station hopping, hoping that their next employer will be the ONE to give them that elusive fame and fortune beyond their wildest dreams.
Party Pilipinas is losing an ahjumma, but hopefully we will soon see that ahjumma bumping and grinding on ASAP!
I'm not saying Iza is not pretty. It's just that she looks like she's overdoing it with the Optein and forgetting to consume food that her stomach can actually turn into vitamins and minerals for her body. The result is that instead of being considered for roles that Marian Rivera and Rhian Ramos have rejected, Iza is accompanying Jose Manalo and Wally as they scour the Philippines for down-on-their-luck Filipinos whose lives' goal is to be chosen for "All For One, One For All." I'm not saying that's bad; what's bad about charity?
Well, Gretchen Barretto is getting lead starring roles in ABS-CBN teleseryes. Iza looks to be the same age as Gretchen Barretto, so maybe Iza's star will shine brighter with ABS-CBN.
January 18, 2012
Survivor Philippines Celebrity Doubles Showdown: Gino Is Voted Out

Gino, The Strategist, has been out-strategist to become the latest votee on Survivor Philippines Celebrity Doubles Showdown. It was another blindside, following John's of the Volcano Rugby team. It was not a blindside for me since as we know the obvious votee is never the one, right editing monkeys?
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