Here's what's running through my mind while each jury member makes their case of why they deserve to be in the top 3 and not the trio of Mara, Betong and Step.
John: Why still bitter when you were voted out third? By the time of the final tribal council, John should have realized what went wrong in this strategy: Paranoia. But kudos to him for pointing out to Betong they are playing Survivor Philippines Celebrity Doubles Showdown, not Survivor Philippines Charity.
KC: Got a right to still be bitter because his elimination was still fresh, but recognize that he was voted out because the girls, Mara and Step, was influenced by the jury. As for Betong, give him hell not your vote since Maey told him to vote you out from the jury box. Betong has no strategy from day one, and still has none until the FTC. It was low of KC to hurt Step by just telling her that her dog Taco Boy has gone to dog heaven. Would that news help him decide who should win Survivor?