Does Sharon Cuneta really need to go down the level of moneyger Anabelle Rama? The Megastar? Really?
Sharon is shutting down allegations that her billboard for the weight loss shop Marie France is not her at all - well, the body is not. Well, we all know that shop is involved in putting hips on Angelica Panganiban in all those "men's magazines." However, it was alleged that Sharon's team of photoshoppers took it to the next level by hiring a body model to use in Sharon's billboards.
Sharon says the body is all hers and no epic photoshop trickery went into doing the billboards.
Alright, Sharon. Whatever.
Hayden Kho, of the infamous celebrity sextapes, reminded us that he really is an expert when it comes to natural beauty...coughvickibelocough..when he gave the public his dime's worth on Sharon's billboard.
The attention-whore and fame-whore that Hayden is, he twitted "There's a billboard ad in EDSA developed by advertisers who think consumers are stupid. Guess."
That twit elicited a "ang kapal ng mukha mo" from Sharon herself. Well, Hayden did not mention a specific ad but "we're not stupid, no."
For me this whole thing is a non-issue because I believe whatever Marie France can't do for Sharon liposuction can, okay? And it's a given that Hayden will forever be a perverted attention and fame-seeking goldiggah.
Hayden has refused apologized to Sharon because, you know, he wants to milk this issue for all its worth.
This is another mark from me against Hayden. I was thisclose to forgiving him about not releasing his sex video with Rufa Mae Quinto.
Hayden not apologizing forced Sharon Cuneta not to attend the wedding of John Estrada and whatsherBrazilianface. Because Hayden and his moneybags Vicki Belo were at the event, Sharon made herself scarce. Because of this, my most awaited event of the year - SHARON CUNETA AND GABBY CONCEPCION walking down the aisle again - did not happen. SHARON CUNETA and GABBY CONCEPCION together again! Imagine that!
For that, fuck you, Hayden!