Talks about Marian Rivera having an “attitude,” a bad one, continue.
The most recent one is Marian acting a primadonna on the set of her top-rated primetime show on GMA-7, Darna.
Marian reportedly complained to a staff member about the muddy location in Bulacan at the set of Darna. "Di ba sinabi ko sa inyo na ayaw ko nang maputik?" was Marian’s complaint. The staff member carried Marian to a less muddy area to avert a blow up from the Kapuso star.
Also during a taping of Darna, Marian was said to have uttered "Dumating na ang reyna na walang bulaklak sa tenga."
Who else wears a flower on their ear? Carla Abellana. She’s stars in the TV soap “Rosalinda,” a telenobela character with a penchant for wearing a red rose on her ear.
There also a story going around that Marian refused to share her dressing room with Carla because she wanted to all the space to herself.
So what if Marian Rivera has an attitude? I’m a casual fan, so I don’t really care if Marian is the next Mother Theresa or the spawn of the devil. If I see her somewhere in person, I doubt I’d want to get her autograph or have my picture taken with her. Sucks for the avid fans, though. You know those kinds of fans.
I’m reminded of what my friends and I say when we see a beautiful girl. “She’s pretty.” Oo, pero hindi siya masaya. Broken family yan sigurado. We’d all laugh, of course, because it was meant as a joke. You can say “ah, you’re just a jealous hater; you’re bitter; you’re sourgraping, etc. However, underneath that joke lies the maxim that keeps us from jumping from the nearest bridge, hating all people, generally hating life: “A person can’t have it all.”
I guess the universe has a way of evening out things. Marian Rivera is very pretty, famous, rich and has a hot boyfriend, but “masama ugali nya” at broken family siya.
As I said I don’t if Marian Rivera’s face doesn’t match her character. What I’m confused about is why Marian’s maldita moments continue to come out. Marian Rivera is one of Kapuso Networks’ prized possessions, so why are they letting negative publicity ruin their star’s image?
Me thinks, Marian and her management start giving out more envelopes or making those envelopes thicker to shut down all these bad publicities. Money effectively shuts up reporters. Ask Anabelle Rama.
Frankly, i think negative write ups about stars come out because they refuse to pay payola. The news bits are mostly fabricated as well. Marian is an easy target because of that guy who provoked her in the dyesebel set and videotaped her screaming her head off at him. Boy the behind the scenes talk about sweety sweety Sharon C and heart e. would make your hair stand on edge. But since they paid off the press there was no leak. I have met Marian once or twice and she was very pleasant. Same as Angel Locsin.