March 18, 2011

American Idol 10: Pinoy Bets - Thia Megia

American Idol 10 Top 12 results are in!

And our Pinay bet Thia Megia lives to sing another week-hopefully not another ballad.

Karen Rodriguez went home despite pleading to be saved and promising America everything. I won't miss Karen as I've had enough of Selena and Jlo songs. She's a good singer but not memorable and doesn't bring anything new to the table.

Our girl Thia sang "Colors of the Wind," the theme from the Disney movie "Pocahontas." On results night Thia brought the "Pocahontas hair" out.

This week another pitch perfect performance and another boring ballad from Thia. I fear our girl Thia is out soon if she doesn't step up and sing something out of her comfort zone for a change.

Noticed that the girls are being slayed on by one? No bottom ranking for any of the guys that sucked this week, namely Casey, Paul and Jacob. I hope Jacob is not long for this competition. It's getting tiring in the ears hearing him sing like he's in church every time. I mean, Alone? Pitchy and screamy.

1 comment:

  1. Hopefully, Thia picks a better song this week. Theme is Motown. There are a lot of midtempo and uptempo Motown hits. She just needs to give herself a break. I think she may be taking herself and her performance way too seriously. I don't think she is as boring as she has appeared in her performances. Whenever she is interviewed, her personality shows up. Too bad she still hasn't taken this personality with her on the performance stage. Even when singing ballads, singing should be fun. She needs to remember what it is about singing that is fun to her, and then take that to the stage and let us in on the fun.
