Socialite heiress Paris Hilton, wearing a Manny Pacquiao shirt, leaves Manila with super gladness in her heart that the US press and blogosphere bashing she gets every time so she much as breathe, has eluded Philippine media and the Filipino audience.
The reality tv ho's 5-day stay in Manila was a complete success, having did a photo shoot for that real estate development she is helping design allegedly, having a meet-and-greet with her Filipino "fans" and having dinner with Manny Pacquiao and wife, Jinkee.
Now she's threatening to come back to Manila since she received the much-vaunted "Filipino hospitality." Paris Hilton even got a self-confessed "Paris Hilton's biggest fan" in the person of Isha Dinio. Whatever floats your boat, Isha, but Paris fuckin' Hilton? It's like saying you admire the bubonic plague for wiping out millions of people all those years ago.
Paris Hilton got the love but not Georgina Wilson. You may be wondering "da who?" Well, Georgina Wilson is better known as the ex-girlfriend of Richard Gutierrez.
Well, Georgina Wilson got flamed in a major way for twitting that Pnoy has better things to do than meet Paris Hilton at the Malacanang Palace.
To Paris Hilton's fans who consider her the epitome of beauty, Paris Hilton is faker than Ruffa Mae Quinto breakup with Mikey Arroyo.
Let's see. hair extensions, check. Blue contact lenses to camoulage her naturally brown eyes, check. Wonky eyes, check. Flat ass, check. Humongous feet, check. Baby voice, check. Paris Hilton's got a man-voice. Don't let her fool you.
Georgina Wilson was right. Paris Hilton has no business meeting with Pnoy. The winning Philippine Dragon Boat Federation team presented Pnoy a paddle with the members' signature. What's Paris Hilton going to present to Pnoy? Cooties?
Paris Hilton said she couldn't wait to come back to the Philippines. I hope she does come back again and again. This fake dumb skank will slip up eventually and her Filipino fans will finally see what US bloggers have been blogging about Paris Hilton. Stupid, vapid and fake.